S names are also great, and you can find our list of S name recommendations here. That’s the science of why you should consider a name starting with K for your dog. Experts also think that dogs respond best to words ending in vowels and words of no more than two syllables. Years of study suggest that it is easier for dogs to distinguish the letters CH, S, SCH, SH, or K at the start of words. You may have realized this yourself if you have compared how easy it is to distinguish words and sounds in your native tongue as compared to foreign languages. Your dog needs to distinguish the sound of their name from the surrounding ambient noise, which is a lot harder without the context of language. This is how they learn commands, and also how they will learn their name. Why choose a dog name starting with the letter K? Remember that dogs don’t understand language in the way that we do, but they can recognize sounds and associate them with certain meanings. We’ve also shared some top tips on choosing the perfect name for your dog and teaching it to them.

To help you choose the perfect name, we have put together a collection of some of the best dog names starting with K to give you some inspiration. When it is easier for them to hear their name, it is easier for them to recognize it.